This postcard was posted in 1904 to a Mrs Amsworth in America.
The 1902 Education Act integrated denominational schools into the state and provided for their support from taxes. Since the Anglicans had the great majority of church schools, Non-conformists argued that they would have to pay for a religious education with which they disagreed.
A nation wide campaign of passive resistance was led by John Clifford a Non-conformist minister who was educated at the Midland Baptist College in Leicester. Resisters refused to pay their education taxes

In 1903 a meeting of local Poor-Law Officers (who were the tax collectors) was held at the workhouse in Mountsorrel to discuss Passive Resistance. Suggestions included sending in the bailiffs or disenfranchising non payers
By 1906 over 170 Non-conformists had gone to prison for refusing to pay their school taxes.