Memories of The Green-No 3

This is reproduced from a newspaper article titled:

‘Write up your Street. Tales from the Past. Wendy Miller visits The Green, Mountsorrel.’

The date or the newspaper is not known. Reference is made in the article to the old Apple Tree Inn. Is that a mistake, should it be The Pear Tree?

……. the old Apple Tree Inn, which stopped being a pub at the turn of the century. His

BBA_067cottage still has the original beams, one of which runs the length of the ground floor.

Mr. Musson showed me a room which he now uses as the pantry. There is a thrawl still there, a stone shelf which was used for storing the beer.

Local Granite

“I never have anything go wrong in it’ he said. The house itself is made of local granite.

“I haven’t seen a lot of structural changes to The Green in the 20 years I’ve lived here. Though there are a lot more trees now, I believe that early in the century there were no trees on The Green. Some of them will now have to come down because they have Dutch Elm disease.

“Most of the people around here like The Green”, he continued. “Everything is very handy and I’m not far from the river to go fishing. I like my house as it is well back from the road.”

Recently seats have been installed on The Green. Mr Musson said that he thought that they looked very attractive, though he believed that the seats were a little cold as they were made of iron.

2 thoughts on “Memories of The Green-No 3

  1. Can anyone remember a wooden hut on the top end of The Green, opposite Christchurch.
    My mother used to leave me there with a lady called Lulu. while she went to work.It must have been 1953-4.

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