The Poplars from The Hills

The Poplars was originally the purpose home of the local Quarry Manager, built by the Mountsorrel Granite Company. The view below is from the junction of Watling Street, The Navins, Crown Lane and Cuflins Pit Lane. The gate in the foreground was probably put in place to control the movement of cattle between their grazing ground and their farm.

Early Photo: Early 20th Century
Recent Photo : January 2025

The first quarry manager was Martin Diggle who stayed in the property until his retirement. The quarry owners (the Martin family), then moved in. After the First World War, the widow of William Francis Martin moved out and sold the property to a Mr.Henderson… It eventually became a care home in 1999 and now known since 2016 as Quarry Hill Grange.

A lot of trees, bushes and undergrowth have grown up in recent years around the village, dramatically changing the views we see now compared to those of the past. The gate into The Poplars is still there, just hidden behind the trees in the foreground.
